Kate82 . . .
Take a few minutes and read this testimony / article. A real story by a real JW.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
Kate82 . . .
Take a few minutes and read this testimony / article. A real story by a real JW.
i am new to here so please be bear with me.. i have always believed in god, but was never baptised, my parents wanted me to make up my own mind religon wise.. i am thinking of becoming a jw and am just needing some advice on how to do this, bible study and jw beliefs.
also do jw say grace and how.. i am greatful of any help.. thanks.
google his name and d'fing too.
does anyone know if it is true or not?.
I know this is a little off topic, but I wanted to share a bit of trivia about Phenix City, AL (apparently Steve Klemetti's home base.
Back in the 1930s and '40s Phenix City was about as "bad" as it could get. I have no idea what it is like now, but it definitely had a reputation then.
When I was a very young lad, I remember watching a movie about a crusading District Attorney who tried to clean up the city. I think it was based on a true story. If I remember right, a few years later the feds moved into town and threw out all of the police and elected officials. It was that bad.
Here is a link that will give you more info:
this faq was recently added to jw.org.... .
are you an american sect?our world headquarters is located in the united states of america.
however, we are not an american sect for the following reasons:.
The Watchtower publishing company and religion (in that order) is very typically American in the same way that the Mormons, Christian Science, and the WWCofG (Herbert W. and Garner Ted Armstrong's version) are American. They promote traditional American values and mores (mo-rays) unlike the Catholic, Orthodox, Episcopal and Presbyterian churches do (all European traditions).
It's amazing how far they have evolved from Russell's version of simple local Bible Study groups to a heirarchal catholic-style modern church led by a group of eight archbishops or demi-cardinals. How long will it be before they reinstitute the president of the governing body and set up a pope or "Archbishop of Canterbury" style leader? I think their American history and basic values prevents them from taking that last step - at least for the near future.
Just the idea of how they dress and their use of magazines and books to spread their word is very typically American. It's amazing that they haven't bought the rights to John T. Molloy's "Dress for Success." It was Molloy who pushed the idea that men dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, and conservative long tie could use their appearance to convince others of that they were more intelligent, held higher standards, and were more successful than the average citizen. Of course we know that all of those well-dressed bankers and stock manipulators that nearly destroyed our economy in 2008 had none of those attributes.
Even the Watchtower's resistance to beards, mustaches, and sideburns on male JWs equates to that same American philosophy that being "clean shaven" is somehow more pleasing to God and makes their message more acceptable to the masses. All it does around here is warn everyone that JWs are in the neighborhood.
Where I live in the Pacific Northwest where no one wears a suit and tie except for a few politicians (when the government is in session) and Jehovah's Witnesses. The other night I went into a "5 Guys" hamburger joint and there were about 40 men and boys of all ages from 9 to 79 who were there wearing black or gray pants, black shoes, white shirts and long ties. A few were wearing suit coats. I overheard several of the locals asking them what was going on. I couldn't hear very clearly, but it was obvious that they had been to a special training session of some sort. They might have been Mormons, but I think it was a local group of JW men going to some special training day. They just had that smell about them...
many religions, including the catholic church, have adopted a blanket approach for all 'ministers of religions' and volunteers with regards to compliance with the working with children act 2005.. another point worthy of mentioning is that all religions and organisations have adopted, and have made publicly available a child protection policy, a working with children protocol, a child abuse handling policy, and a privacy policy.. victoria police also made a submission in which they launched an attack on the catholic church in relation to interfering with police investigations into child abuse.
the catholic church has now placed a "gag" order on all priests and religious personnel prohibiting them from talking to the media or the public about the inquiry.. notably absent was any submission made by the religion of jehovah's witnesses and the watch tower society.. an interesting submission came from the seventh-day adventist church.
their 65 page submission was submitted with the follow letter published on page 2.... .
BTW - An edited and abridged version of Barbara's latest article will be on Ex-JW.com for a short while. There will be an announcement about where the full article will appear permanently very soon.
you are a welcomed addition to this site!.
I take that back. Mrs. Cedars dresses like a young hottie from the 1930s...
you are a welcomed addition to this site!.
How soon we forget. There were several posters who wanted to tar and feather Cedars when he first started the 2011 Global Survey. He was new here and was looking for any monetary support he could find to keep SurveyMonkey going. A few even implied he was running a scam.
I'm glad he got through all of that and went on to become one of our very best journalists. I am proud to call him my friend even though I have never met him in person. And I think Mrs. Cedars is nice too.
They both really need to update their wardrobes. They dress like middle-aged people from the 1930s...
i remember reading an article, maybe from the 70's not sure, where wtbts condemned people who misquote people for their own purposes.. i'd be thankful if anyones remembers this and could post it here..
If the Watchtower says it or prints it...
It's a lie.
i know a brother who went to the most recent annual meeting.
older brother, non-annointed, elder, wife a pioneer, and overall a pretty good dude.
he let me take a peak at the new awake dropping in 2013, which by the way i have to give credit where it's due as i like the new 16 page format.
My question on this subject of the Governing Body = Faithful Slave is directed to Steven Unthank and our friends in Australia:
During the Victoria child-abuse investigation, the Watchtower's Legal Department stated that the Governing Body was not an actual entity, but rather just a "theological concept." (Help me out here, Steve. It's been a while and I could not find my notes. Correct me if I got it wrong.)
If this is the case, then this is another situation where the Watchtower has said something publicly (as in court or to a news organization) and then within months either deny they ever said it or reversed themselves.
have you noticed there are certain movies you just never get tired of watching?
what's does your list include?
here are some of mine (in no particular order as to favorites):.
I pretty much agree with everyone's selections. All very good movies. When my wife and I take a trip we usually bring along a few movies to watch along the way when nothing is good on the motel TV. In fact, we just did this very thing a couple of weeks ago. What is unique about this list is that it contains movies, that when they are on TV, we stop what we are doing and just watch them for awhile - in spite of how short a time it has been since we saw them last. Here they are in no particular order:
Tombstone (Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer)
Last of the Mohicans (Daniel Day-Lewis)
Mama Mia! (Meryl Streep)
The Commitments
Dirty Dancing (Patrick Swayze)
The Notebook (Ryan Gosling)
Because of their length, we don't usually take these with us on a trip, but watch them at least once a year and stop to watch them when we see them on TV:
JFK (Kevin Costner)
Godfather I and II (Al Pacino)
Avatar 3-D (we have a 3-D TV)
When I am just bored and want something to divert our attention for an hour or so:
Bullitt (Steve McQueen) - Me
Pretty Lady (Richard Geer) - My wife
We have probably 50 DVDs, but some we haven't watched in years - but the ones on this list are just about worn through, if that is possible with DVDs.